Where did you begin 2007?
This really made me think because for some reasons I don't remember how I spent the first few hours of 2007. But then after a while I realized why I didn't get the answer out of my head right away because I actually spent it in my room, sleeping.
What was your status on Valentine's Day?
Single of course. I still cannot imagine myself in a serious relationship. I remember being in charge of this activity in school wherein we accept deliveries of chocolates and flowers to students in their classrooms.
Did you have to go to the hospital?
No. Thank God not. Wait. I remember going to a hospital inside a university that I was supposed to go into. Being in that campus made me all sentimental again. That visit made me feel how much I wanted to go there badly. This only shows how life can give you full of surprises.
Where did you go on vacation?
Summer of 2007 was the last vacation I had as a "kid." Our motto was to make the most out of this summer since it was our last summer as carefree teenagers (teenage years before college). I practically spent a lot of my time outside the house.
Did you move anywhere?
Our high school graduation happened on March 31, 2007. I entered college at June. I moved to a different school - to a school which I never really expected to be into.
Describe your birthday?
I spent my birthday in another person's birthday party. I only decided to go there 1 hour before the event started maybe because boredom was nearly eating me up. While in the party, I decided that I want to celebrate it with m family and friends on the next day that's why I texted all of them right away.
What has been your favorite moment?
My favorite moment happened during March 31, 2007. I was asked a question that I never thought my mother would ask me in my entire life. It felt so good after hearing it. The feeling it gave me was way better than the feeling I got durin
g graduation. It is just ironic that that moment became also one source of the sadness I still feel up to this day. This is a different story. Moving on...
What's something you learned about yourself?
After everything that I have been through this past year, I have learned how strong I am. For me, this year was a bumpy ride and thank goodness that I was able to survive. I was able to cross this road alive.
What was your worst month?
I won't just give the month. I will give the exact date: May 17, 2007. Crap.
What music will you remember 2007 by?
Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack
Umberella by Rhianna
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
The Way I Are by Timabaland
I Turn to You by Christina Aguilera (Don't ask)
No Tomorrow by Orson
Paramore Songs
Made new friends?
Oh yes! College Friends. I am so greatful for having them around. They came into my life the time when I was full of sadness. A part of my sadness was wiped out because of them. They healed a part of me.
Favorite Night out?
I don't think I will ever forget the night I went out and the time I got home. That was the latest so far in my entire life. I got home at a time when the sun was nearly coming out. We attended this debut of our blockmate and went to a bar for the after party. The excuse line: What choice do I have if I was just going to hitch with my friend? But i was not reprimanded/ grounded/ scolded since they didn't really find out about this. People in the house do not look for me when I am out. I guess they trust me.
Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I do not think I made some for 2007. I did no bother making one. Hey! I was actually asleep when the year 2007 entered.
What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
Happiness, Feeling of fulfillment.
What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The date I wrote during a previous question. That day was the day my mother became finally successful in dragging me into a college I do not want. This was a start of my so-called secret depression.
What was your biggest achievement?
I don't really know what to put in here so I'm just going to consider having to finish high school.
What was your biggest failure? of the year?
Letting people control my life.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
If you consider depression an illness then my answer is yes.
What was the best thing you bought?
The best thing I bought was a vintage shirt I got in a bazaar.
Where did most of your money go?
Food. This is my weakness. I should now make it a point starting this moment that i should spend only enough money for food.
What was your favorite TV program?
Heroes, Gossip Girl, Big Brother, Grey's Anatomy. Because of college, I had a hard time viewing all my favorite shows. This list should have been longer.
What was the best book you read?
Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. I read this every year because this is my favorite book making it the best book I read every year.
What was your greatest musical discovery?
String Quartet Tributes.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I ate out with my family and friends. 18
What kept you sane?
Definitely my friends. I don't know how I am gonna be able to thank them.
Who did you miss?
High School Buddies. When I started college I barely saw my high school friends.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007:
Anything can happen in a split of time so make the most out of every moment. The second lesson that I learned is to be more appreciative about things and most especially the people I have and will stick to my side no matter what.
What did you like most about yourself this year?
Being a strong person.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
When I'm dancing with you tomorrow doesn't matter. Turn the music up 'til the windows start to shatter 'coz you're the only one who can get me on my feet and I can't even dance. - No Tomorrow by Orson
Was 2007 a good year for you?
Good in a sense that it shaped me into a stronger person. This year taught me how to be more independent.
What was your favorite moment of the year?
Moments when I was with my friends. Usually during the summer.
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Once again.. May 17, 2007.
Do you have a new years resolution for 2008?
I think I'll make one for this year.
What was your favorite month of 2007?
I think March.
How much money did you spend in 2007?
So far, this year was the year I spent the most especially on food.
What was your proudest moment of 2007?
Passing on my Job in the student council. This made me feel how much I have done.
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2007 and change something, what would it be?
The moment when I let other people make me feel down.
What are your plans for 2008?
Make sure I get up and make up for the sadness I went through the past year.
How are you different now that the year has ended?
I have matured a lot. That's for sure.
What are your wishes for the new year?
a Happy Year!
My Link for this entry:
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